Growth & Innovation Strategy

cube-pinkCanterbury supports organizations in building their businesses by identifying growth opportunities and improving performance through innovation in their services, technology, processes, products, and business models.  According to recent studies, two-thirds of the most successful companies say innovation is a competitive necessity.  Our approach involves examining and evaluating an organizations’ strategies, how they manage and execute those strategies, and their organizational designs.  We provide our clients with an analysis of our findings and customized recommendations based on best practices and our extensive experience in creating value.


Our approach involves three major factors:

  • Business & Organizational Strategy – We align growth opportunities with an organization’s capabilities.
  • Strategic Management – Our systematic analysis of the factors associated with organizations’ internal and external environments to provide the basis for maintaining optimum management practices. The objective of our strategic management consulting process is to help organizations better align their corporate policies and strategic priorities.  Guidelines / rules / procedures are established to support the organization’s efforts achieving their stated objectives.  For instance, clients may require a clean audit opinion, that is, a state of audit readiness to meet statutory and/or regulatory requirements.  Upon our Team’s examination and analysis, our clients may not have formal policies and procedures in place to guide them, and their business units, toward achieving that state.  Does the organization’s current operations have a sufficient internal control environment across all its financial processes?  In order to achieve this business strategic priority, the organization, at a minimum,

  •           Structures a plan,
  •          Outlines and concurs with deficiencies,
  •          Identifies potential risks,
  •          Defines requisite resources,
  •          Implements corrective actions, and
  •          Re-evaluates.

  • Organizational Design – We optimize the practices and performance of corporate functions to enable greater focus on business support and value creation. In the example above, the “state of audit readiness” falls under the corporate function of governance, risk management and compliance.   Our capabilities include


  •          Conducting compliance performance inspections;
  •          Completing risk assessments;
  •          Performing investigative analyzes, data validation and reconciliation;
  •          Developing guidance, policies and standard operating procedures;
  •          Assessing an organization’s state of compliance;
  •          Addressing evolving laws, regulations, strategies and policies;
  •          Building or expanding a hierarchical management control structure; and
  •          Weighing the associated risks and potential costs of non-compliance against the projected expenses to achieve compliance.